
The University Act clause 5(ii) and 6(viii) reproduced be

low states one of the objective and function of the University: –

    5(ii) “to promote and carry out research in various disciplines of Health Sciences with special focus on social and economic relevance of such research and with emphasis on occupational and environmental health issues affecting the people”

      6(viii) “to institute, maintain and administer university colleges, hospitals and laboratories and institutes of research, libraries and other institutions necessary to carry out the objectives of the University”

    To Promote the above objectives of the University Act, it is proposed to set up the University Centre of Excellence for Research (UCER)

    The brief primary objectives, infrastructure, and manpower, etc., for setting up of University Centre of Excellence for Research (UCER), are as under: –

Concept of Research Centre: Scientists at the UCER would conduct mission-oriented medical research and investigate various aspects of the basis biomedical sciences, as well as specific diseases. These range from the common problems such as aging, cancer, infectious diseases, mental disorders, occupational diseases, to health policy. It is hoped that the knowledge, experience, and facilities at the UCER will become important resources to not only the state but to the whole nation in understanding, preventing, and curing diseases.

Mandate of the research centre:

The UCER has been proposed to serve the following purposes: –

  • To plan the overall directions of national science and technology development in health and medical care;
  • To coordinate, integrate, and support research activities undertaken by medical institutions in the State of Punjab.
  • To further educate and train young scientists and physicians;
  • To establish an objective and fair system for reviewing and assessing research projects and their progress;
  • To facilitate the exchange of information and to promote domestic and international collaborations;
  • To provide human resources of right caliber to state by helping Medical/Dental/Ayurvedic Colleges to upgrade level of research
  • To provide an interactive forum for pharmaceutical industry and help small scale industry in this region to develop medicinal products from herbal sources.
  • To develop a pool research facility for industry and constituent colleges under BFUHS umbrella.

To secure the UCER’s effectiveness and assure future success, the UCER will focus on several major, mission- oriented target areas of research. Based on these target areas the UCER will set up research units to conduct state-of-the-art medical research.

Primary objectives of the centre:

  1. Provide facilities and resources dedicated to achieve excellence in research in medical education in state of Punjab.
  2. Conduct and facilitate conferences/seminars & workshops on various aspects of medical education & research.
  3. Act as clearing house for matters related to research in Medical/Dental/Ayurvedic/Nursing & Life sciences in constituent colleges.
  4. Conduct research on medical problems of the state.
  5. Provide consultancy to constituent colleges regarding research problems.


  • Phytomedicine
  • Clinical Research
  • Health care and Hospital Administration
  • Herbal Drug Technology
  • Medical Biotechnology
  • Gerontology
  • Integrative Oncology
  • Men’s Health and Sexual Medicine
  • Forensic Nursing
  • Health Care Informatics and AI
  • Women’s Health and Sexual Medicine
  • Integrative Medicine


M.Sc. (Phytomedicine)

M.Sc. (Clinical Research)

Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Research

M.Sc. (Herbal Drug Technology)

M.Sc. (Gerontology)

M.Sc. (Medical Biotechnology)

Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Biotechnology

M.Sc. (Integrative Oncology)

M.Sc. (Men’s Health and Sexual Medicine)

Post Graduate Diploma in Health Sciences Librarianship

Master in Health care and Hospital Administration

M.Sc. (Forensic Nursing)

M.Sc. (Health Care Informatics and AI)

M.Sc. (Women’s Health and Sexual Medicine)

Education and Training Programs

The training of the next generations of medical scientists in state will be an important goal of the UCER. Training programs range from sub-specialty training for physicians, predoctoral and postdoctoral training, to summer student research training. Success in education and training is the ultimate requirement for medical sciences to flourish in this country in the future and to establish UCER as a centre of first-class medical research.

Education and training programs are listed as follows: –

  • BFUHS Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
  • Postdoctoral Training Programs
  • MD/Ph.D. Training Programs
  • Physician Scientist Awards

Summer Program for Undergraduates (Biological Science Related)


S. No

Name of Employee



Date of Joining


Prof. (Dr.) Rajiv Joshi

Director (Addl. Charge)




Dr. Rajinder Singh Ahi

Deputy Director (Addl. Charge)




Dr. Vivek Shamra

Professor with Addl. Charge Deputy Director

Phytomedicine, UCER



Dr. Preet Amol Singh

Associate Professor

Phytomedicine, UCER



Dr. Vikas Gupta

Technical Officer

 re-designated as Assistant Director with Addl. Charge

Associate Professor  (Pharmacy )

(Herbal Drug Technology)-UCER



Dr. Neha

Research Officer (Pharmacy) with functional charge Asstt. Professor




Dr. Rohan Bhatti

Assistant Professor

Health Care Inf. & Artificial Intelligence)



Sh. Sameer Kant Ahuja


(Coordination & Liaisoning)



Dr. Pankaj Sharma

Nodal Officer

Green Mentor




Dr. Gunpreet Kaur

Research Assistant




Ms.  Anchal


Research Officer

(Clinical Trail/ research)



Ms. Archana Bajaj

Research Associate




Ms. Ramandeep Kaur

Research Associate




Ms. Manpreet Kaur

Research Associate




S. Kartar Singh





Ms. Jashandeep Kaur





Lachhmi Rani





Gurpreet Singh





Hazara Singh





Gagandeep Singh





Sunil Kumar





Sukhveer Singh





Navdeep Singh





Sandeep Singh

Safai Karamchari




Gurjeet Kaur

Safai Karamchari




Chhinder Kaur

Safai Karamchari



Ayurvedic Clinical Research Centre


Dr. Anubhav

Assistant Professor

Integrated Medicine (UCER)



Dr. Manmohan Singh Gill

Research Associate




Dr. Sonali Dutta

Research Associate




Karamjeet Singh





Sukhpreet Kaur






Ms. Rajwinder Kaur

Senior Assistant



Publications by UCER from 2018-2024:

Sr. No.



Preet Amol Singh, Neha Bajwa, Hazra, S., & Chandan, A. (2024). Mapping out a direction: India’s G20 presidency propels global promotion of traditional medicine. World Medical & Health Policy, 16(4), 783-794. Scopus, SCI Indexed, (Impact factor: 1.5)


Pratibha Sharma, Vivek Sharma, Harcharan S. Dhaliwal, Rahul Kumar. Introgression of opaque2 allele into sweetcorn composite through marker assisted selection. Cereal Research Communication, 2024, 52(2):1169-1778 (Springer, Scopus Indexed)


Vivek Sharma. A monograph/book on a medicinal plants “Berberis L.” (Vivek Sharma et al., 2024) publication under the guidance of National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB).


Hazra, S., Preet Amol Singh., Kumari, S., Sindhwani, R., Neha Bajwa., & Tushir, S. (2024). Post-harvest Management. In Compendium of Clove (pp. 71-93). CRC Press. (Scopus Indexed)


Saroj Kumar Pradhan, Vivek Sharma. Essential oil composition and antimicrobial activity of aerial parts of Inula obtusifolia growing in Kashmir Himalayas. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2024, 60:776-778. (Springer, Scopus Indexed).


Jasneet Kour, Shagun Sharma, Pratibha Sharma, Shivani Sharma, Harcharan Singh Dhaliwal, Vivek Sharma. First report on GC-MS determination of volatile components and in vitro antioxidant activity of aerial part of (Phyllanthus parvifolius Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) from Indian Himalayas. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2024, 60(6): 1163-1165 (Springer, Scopus Indexed)


Subhajit Hazra, Preet Amol Singh, Ritika Sindhwani, Sneha Kumari, Nisha Khatri, Neha Bajwa. (2025). Current Scenario and Regulatory Guidelines, In:  Liquorice: Properties, Processing, and Health Benefits. CRC Press. (Scopus Indexed).


Gunjan Gautam, Shagun Sharma, Pratibha Sharma, Shivani Sharma, Vivek Sharma. First report on GC-MS characterization of volatile constituents and in vitro antioxidant activity of leaves of Bauhinia semla Wunderlin from Himachal Pradesh Himalayas. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2024, 60(6): 1166-1168 (Springer Nature, Scopus Indexed)


Marker Assisted Gene Pyramiding in Maize Lines (Zea mays L.)” by Pratibha Sharma & Vivek Sharma, (2021), Lap Lambert Academic Publishing (9786203930726).


Preet Amol Singh., Tushir, S., Hazra, S., Purewal, S. S., & Agarwal, G. (2025). Novel approaches for the extraction and identification of phytoconstituents from herbs and spices. The Natural Products Journal, 15(4)  Scopus, SCI Indexed, (Impact factor: 0.7)


Pratibha Sharma, Shagun Sharma, Harcharan Singh Dhaliwal, Vivek Sharma. First report on GCMS analysis of volatile constituents, in vitro antioxidant and antidiabetic activities of anthocyanin rich purple corn silk (Zea mays L.) from North-Western India. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2024, 60(5) 951-953 2023 (Springer Nature, Scopus Indexed)


Kumari, S., Preet Amol Singh., Sindhwani, R., Hazra, S., Neha Bajwa., & Suri, A. (2024). Traditional Formulations and Uses. In Compendium of Clove (pp. 223-241). CRC Press. (Scopus Indexed)


Shagun Sharma, Pratibha Sharma, Harcharan Singh Dhaliwal, Vivek Sharma.  Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of plant parts of Berberis pseudumbellata R. Parker from Himachal Pradesh Himalayas. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2024, 60(5): 948-950 (Springer Nature, Scopus Indexed)


Khatri, N., Preet Amol Singh., Neha Bajwa., & Hazra, S. (2024). Regulatory Guidelines. In Compendium of Clove (pp. 261-278). CRC Press. (Scopus Indexed)


Sindhwani, R., Preet Amol Singh., Hazra, S., & Kumari, S. (2024). An overview of botanical approaches for managing obesity. Pharmacological Research-Natural Products, 100115. (Scopus Indexed)


Devangan P, Bajad G, Madan, Madan J, Neha Bajwa, Preet Amol Singh. (2024). Quality-By-Design Strategy for Developing Novel Herbal Products. In: Introduction to Quality by Design (QbD), Springer, Nature.  (Scopus Indexed)


Kumari A, Neha Bajwa, Preet Amol Singh. (2024). Quality by Design in Relation to Clinical Trials. In: Introduction to Quality by Design (QbD). Springer, Nature. (Scopus Indexed)


Kumari, A., Neha Bajwa., Ashique, S., Sharma, H., Mishra, N., Rathore, C., & Preet Amol Singh. (2024). From Lab Bench to Bedside: Advancing Malaria Treatments through Research, Patents, and Clinical Trials. Current Treatment Options in Infectious Diseases17(1), 1-26. (Scopus Indexed)


Shivani Sharma, Shagun Sharma, Pratibha Sharma, Harcharan Singh Dhaliwal, Vivek Sharma. First report on GC-MS characterization of volatile constituents and in vitro antidiabetic activity of fruits part of Boerhavia rubicunda Steud. from Himachal Pradesh Himalayas. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2024, 60(6): 1160-1162 (Springer Nature, Scopus Indexed)


Shagun Sharma, Pratibha Sharma, Harcharan Singh Dhaliwal, Vivek Sharma.   First report on chemical composition and antidiabetic activity of Berberis chitria (Lindl.) From Himachal Pradesh Himalayas. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2024, 60(5): 954-957 (Springer Nature, Scopus Indexed)


Toro AU, Kurya AU, Bansal P, Shukla SK. Importance of MIPs as Artificial Antibodies for the Detection of Bacteria and Viruses. Molecularly Imprinted Polymers: Path to Artificial Antibodies. 2024 Oct 25:339-54.


Toro AU, Shukla SK, Bansal P. Emerging role of MicroRNA-based theranostics in hepatocellular carcinoma. Molecular Biology Reports. 2023 Sep;50(9):7681-91.


Parhar M, Bansal P. Development of a High Penetration Safe Irrigant from Withania somnifera. International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research. 2023 Jul 1;13(3):149-52.


Toro AU, Shukla SK, Bansal P. Micronome revealed miR-205-5p as key regulator of VEGFA during cancer related angiogenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma. Molecular Biotechnology. 2023 Jul;65(7):1178-86.


Arora M, Bansal P, Singla R. RNA-based Therapeutics: Master Regulator for Bioengineering Systems in Medicine World. Current Biotechnology. 2023 Jun 1;12(2):67-78.


Toro AU, Kurya AU, Shukla SK, Bansal P. Emerging Role of MicroRNA-Based Theranostics in Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma.


Rathore A, Sharma R, Bansal P, Chhabra M, Arora M. Knowledge, attitude, and practice of medical interns and postgraduate residents on American Geriatric Society updated Beers criteria. Journal of Education and Health Promotion. 2023 Jan 1;12(1):1.


Sharma R, Bansal P, Chhabra M, Arora M. Chronic kidney disease (CKD)-a Brand ambassador/alarming bell for potentially inappropriate medication in elderly inpatients. Current Aging Science. 2022 Mar 1;15(1):59-64.


Khanal P, Zargari F, Far BF, Kumar D, Mahdi YK, Jubair NK, Saraf SK, Bansal P, Singh R, Selvaraja M, Dey YN. Integration of system biology tools to investigate huperzine A as an anti-Alzheimer agent. Frontiers in pharmacology. 2021 Dec 13;12:785964


Sharma R, Bansal P, Sharma A, Chhabra M, Kumar R, Arora M. Prevalence and predictors of potentially inappropriate psychotropic medication in older adults with psychiatric illness. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2021 Dec 1;66:102872.


Bansal P, Chhabra M, Arora M. Older adult females hospitalized with cardiovascular disease outweigh male older adults in receiving Potentially Inappropriate Medication. Authorea Preprints. 2021 Apr 13.


Sharma R, Bansal P, Chhabra M, Bansal C, Arora M. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2-associated perceived stress and anxiety among indian medical students: A cross-sectional study. Asian Journal of Social Health and Behavior. 2021 Jul 1;4(3):98-104.


Kumari M, Arora M, Kaur N, Singh R, Bansal P. Compliance to Gluten-Free Diet May Regenerate Probiotic Microbiota: First Report. Journal of Integrated Health Sciences. 2021 Jan 1;9(1):8-12.


Sharma R, Bansal P, Garg R, Arora M. Potentially inappropriate medication prescribing in older adults: American geriatric society updated beers criteria journey. Journal of the Indian Academy of Geriatrics. 2021 Jan 1;17(1):28-35.


Sharma R, Bansal P, Arora M. Pitfalls in AGS Beers Criteria® reflect communication gap between top healthcare organizations: beware or be aware. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2020 Dec;68(12):2969-71.


Sharma R, Bansal P, Garg R, Ranjan R, Kumar R, Arora M. Prevalence of potentially inappropriate medication and its correlates in elderly hospitalized patients: A cross-sectional study based on Beers criteria. Journal of Family and Community Medicine. 2020 Sep 1;27(3):200-7.


Sharma R, Arora M, Garg R, Bansal P. A closer look at the 2019 Beers criteria. Drugs & Therapy Perspectives. 2020 Mar;36(3):116-22.


Singh N, Bansal P, Maithani M, Chauhan Y. Development and validation of novel LC–MS/MS method for determination of Lusutrombopag in rat plasma and its application to pharmacokinetic studies. Arabian Journal of Chemistry. 2020 Feb 1;13(2):4162-9.


Kumari M, Arora M, Kaur N, Singh R, Bansal P. Diagnostic Modalities Used for Celiac Disease: Advancements and Future Prospects. Journal of Integrated Health Sciences. 2020 Jan 1;8(1):34-42.


Arora M, Arora M, Bansal P, Baldi A. Need and recommendations for universal guidelines on regulatory status and quality control/safety of probiotic products. Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials and Regulatory Affairs. 2019 Dec 1;6(3):231-49.


Arora M, Kaur N, Arora M, Bansal P. Critical Review on Food Safety Standard Regulations: A Real Scrutinizing Authority or a Misleading Player for Probiotic Products. Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials and Regulatory Affairs. 2019 Aug 1;6(2):71-85.


Arora M, Kaur M, Bansal P, Arora M. ATC/DDD Directed Classification of Neural Ayurvedic Medicines. Current Traditional Medicine. 2019 Jun 1;5(2):126-37.


Goyal K, Mittal S, Gupta V, Goyal RK. A Perspective Studies: Nutritional Interventions and their Impact on Geriatric Health Outcomes. Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 2025 Jan;18(1):24-7.


Goyal SK, Bansal R, Gupta V, Bansal C, Bansal P. Recommendations of apex health bodies remain localized: not in conformity with international implementation policy for urological disorders. The Lancet Regional Health-Southeast Asia. 2024 Jan 1;20.


Kaur G, Sharma R, Bansal P, Gupta V. Populations using Traditional Home Remedy at Low Risk for COVID-19 Infection. Current Traditional Medicine. 2024 Aug 1;10(4):98-101.


Sharma R, Kaur S, Gupta V, Grover H, Rao K, Chawla V, Chawla PA. Unravelling The Genomic Maze: Bioinformatics Unleashes Insights into Sotos Syndrome (Cerebral Gigantism). Health Sciences Review. 2024 Jul 17:100194.


Kaur G, Sharma R, Bansal P, Kaur R, Gupta V. Docking tools provide perfect leads for Cytotoxic activity of Lupenone and Sitostanol caffeate from root extracts of Roscoea purpurea. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024 Jul 1;17(7):3067-72.


Sharma R, Yadav K, Monga L, Gupta V, Yadav V. Identification of pivotal genes and pathways in Chorea-acanthocytosis using comprehensive bioinformatic analysis. Plos one. 2024 Sep 18;19(9):e0309594.


Sharma R, Bhullar A, Bansal P, Kaur G, Gupta V. Bioinformatics Analysis Identifies Potential Hub Genes, Therapeutic Agents and Crucial Pathways in the Pathogenesis of Refsum Disease. Medinformatics. 2023 Nov 20.


Gupta V, Kaur G, Sharma R, Bansal R, Bansal P. Fast track development of Fisetin and Naringenin based economic antianxiety drug using Docking tools. Asian journal of Psychiatry. 2022 Jun 15; 74: 103188


Sharma R, Kaur G, Bansal P, Chawla V, Gupta V. Bioinformatics Paradigms in Drug Discovery and Drug Development. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. 2023; 1-9


Kaur G, Sharma R, Bansal P, Gupta V. Populations using Traditional Home Remedy at Low Risk for COVID-19 Infection. Current Traditional Medicine. 2024 Aug 1;10(4):98-101.


Kaur G, Bansal P, Sharma R, Nath A, Gupta V. A market basket folklore survey of ethnobotanical usage of plants for treatment of mumps in north India, Integrative Medicine Reports 2022; 1(1): 140–144.


Sharma R, Chawla PA, Chawla V, Verma R, Nawal N, Gupta V. A Therapeutic Journey of 5-Pyrazolones as a Versatile Scaffold: A Review. Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. 2021 Aug 1;21(13):1770-95.


Gautam P, Ghanghas D, Mittal P, Gupta V, Kanika D. Regulatory framework of cosmetic in the European Union. Toxicol Commun. 2022; 4(3):13. doi: 10.53388/20220202013.


Maithani M, Grover H, Raturi R, Gupta V, Bansal P. Ethanol content in traditionally fermented ayurvedic formulations: compromised good manufacturing practice regulations–compromised health. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 2019 Mar 4;45(2):208-16.


Kaur G, Gupta V, Singhal RG, Bansal P. Isolation and Characterization of Stigmasterol from Fritillaria roylei. Biology, Medicine, & Natural Product Chemistry. 2020 Nov 16;9(2):77-80.


Kaur G, Gupta V, Singhal RG, Rawal RK, Bansal P. Isolation of Catechins from Roscoea purpurea. Journal of Young Pharmacists. 2020 Oct 1;12(4):389.


Kaur G, Gupta V, Sharma R, Kumar S, Singhal RG, Singh R, Bansal P. Compliance Level of Textual Therapeutic Usage of Kshirakakoli Containing Formulations with a Serial Ethnomedicinal Survey and Modern System of Medicine. Biology, Medicine, & Natural Product Chemistry. 2021 Jul 1;10(1):7-14.


Bansal P, Dwivedi DK, Hatwal D, Sharma P, Gupta V, Goyal S, Maithani M. Erdafitinib as a Novel and Advanced Treatment Strategy of Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma. Anti-cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. 2021; 21 (18): 2478-2486


M. Maithani, Raturi R, P. Sharma, V. Gupta, P. Bansal. Elemental impurities in pharmaceutical products adding fuel to the fire. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2019, 108, 104435-104446.


P. Sharma, M. Maithani, V. Gupta, P. Bansal. Ayurvedic formulations containing benzoic and ascorbic acids as additives: benzene formation during storage and impact of additives on quality parameters. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine. 2020, 18 (1), 59-65.


J. K.Virk, V. Gupta, S. Kumar, R. Singh, R. Rawal, P. Bansal, M. Maithani. Isolation of Sinapic Acid from Habenaria intermedia D. Don: A New Chemical Marker for the Identification of Adulteration and Substitution. Current Traditional Medicine. 2020, 6(4):380-387.


P. Sharma, M. Maithani, V. Gupta, P. Bansal. Health Risks Associated with Benzene Formation in Health Supplements – An Appraisal. Interdisciplinary Toxicology. 2020, 13(2): 101-110.


G. Kaur, V. Gupta, P. Bansal, S. Kumar, R.K. Rawal. Isolation of lupenone (18-Lupen-3-one) from Roscoea purpurea root extract: First report. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science. 2019 19 (4), 692 


G. Kaur, V. Gupta, S. Kumar, RG Singhal, M. Maithani, P. Bansal. Compliance level of textual therapeutic usage of kakoli containing formulations with ethnomedicinal survey and modern system of medicine. Imam Journal of Applied Sciences. 2019, 4, 62-68.


R. Raturi, M. Maithani, V. Gupta, R. G. Singhal, R. Singh, P. Bansal. First report of Isolation of N-isopropyl palmitamide from Natural source Microstylis muscifera (Lindl.) Kuntze: A potential chemical marker for identification. Chemistry of Natural Compounds. 2019, 4, 1-2.


M. Maithani, H. Grover, R. Raturi, V. Gupta, P. Bansal. Assessment of Compliance Level of ICH Guidelines for Organic Volatile Impurities in Common Ayurvedic Hepatic Formulations. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine. 2019, 16(3), 1-5.


V. Gupta, R. Sharma, P. Bansal, G. Kaur. Bioactivity-guided isolation of potent anxiolytic compounds from leaves of Citrus paradise. AYU. 2018, 39 (1), 21-28.


M. Maithani, R. Raturi, H. Grover, V. Gupta, P. Bansal. Development of Novel ICH Compliant Method for Estimation of Ethanol Content in Traditionally Fermented Ayurvedic Formulations. Current Traditional Medicine. 2018, 4 (1), 1-10.


G. Kaur, V. Gupta, R.P. Kaur, P. Bansal. Is Story of Rishi Chyawan’s Rejuvenation Supported Scientifically??? Current Traditional Medicines. 2018, 4 (1), 19-42.

Publications by UCER from 2018-2024:

Sr. No.



Preet Amol Singh, Neha Bajwa, Hazra, S., & Chandan, A. (2024). Mapping out a direction: India’s G20 presidency propels global promotion of traditional medicine. World Medical & Health Policy, 16(4), 783-794. Scopus, SCI Indexed, (Impact factor: 1.5)


Pratibha Sharma, Vivek Sharma, Harcharan S. Dhaliwal, Rahul Kumar. Introgression of opaque2 allele into sweetcorn composite through marker assisted selection. Cereal Research Communication, 2024, 52(2):1169-1778 (Springer, Scopus Indexed)


Vivek Sharma. A monograph/book on a medicinal plants “Berberis L.” (Vivek Sharma et al., 2024) publication under the guidance of National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB).


Hazra, S., Preet Amol Singh., Kumari, S., Sindhwani, R., Neha Bajwa., & Tushir, S. (2024). Post-harvest Management. In Compendium of Clove (pp. 71-93). CRC Press. (Scopus Indexed)


Saroj Kumar Pradhan, Vivek Sharma. Essential oil composition and antimicrobial activity of aerial parts of Inula obtusifolia growing in Kashmir Himalayas. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2024, 60:776-778. (Springer, Scopus Indexed).


Jasneet Kour, Shagun Sharma, Pratibha Sharma, Shivani Sharma, Harcharan Singh Dhaliwal, Vivek Sharma. First report on GC-MS determination of volatile components and in vitro antioxidant activity of aerial part of (Phyllanthus parvifolius Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) from Indian Himalayas. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2024, 60(6): 1163-1165 (Springer, Scopus Indexed)


Subhajit Hazra, Preet Amol Singh, Ritika Sindhwani, Sneha Kumari, Nisha Khatri, Neha Bajwa. (2025). Current Scenario and Regulatory Guidelines, In:  Liquorice: Properties, Processing, and Health Benefits. CRC Press. (Scopus Indexed).


Gunjan Gautam, Shagun Sharma, Pratibha Sharma, Shivani Sharma, Vivek Sharma. First report on GC-MS characterization of volatile constituents and in vitro antioxidant activity of leaves of Bauhinia semla Wunderlin from Himachal Pradesh Himalayas. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2024, 60(6): 1166-1168 (Springer Nature, Scopus Indexed)


Marker Assisted Gene Pyramiding in Maize Lines (Zea mays L.)” by Pratibha Sharma & Vivek Sharma, (2021), Lap Lambert Academic Publishing (9786203930726).


Preet Amol Singh., Tushir, S., Hazra, S., Purewal, S. S., & Agarwal, G. (2025). Novel approaches for the extraction and identification of phytoconstituents from herbs and spices. The Natural Products Journal, 15(4)  Scopus, SCI Indexed, (Impact factor: 0.7)


Pratibha Sharma, Shagun Sharma, Harcharan Singh Dhaliwal, Vivek Sharma. First report on GCMS analysis of volatile constituents, in vitro antioxidant and antidiabetic activities of anthocyanin rich purple corn silk (Zea mays L.) from North-Western India. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2024, 60(5) 951-953 2023 (Springer Nature, Scopus Indexed)


Kumari, S., Preet Amol Singh., Sindhwani, R., Hazra, S., Neha Bajwa., & Suri, A. (2024). Traditional Formulations and Uses. In Compendium of Clove (pp. 223-241). CRC Press. (Scopus Indexed)


Shagun Sharma, Pratibha Sharma, Harcharan Singh Dhaliwal, Vivek Sharma.  Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of plant parts of Berberis pseudumbellata R. Parker from Himachal Pradesh Himalayas. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2024, 60(5): 948-950 (Springer Nature, Scopus Indexed)


Khatri, N., Preet Amol Singh., Neha Bajwa., & Hazra, S. (2024). Regulatory Guidelines. In Compendium of Clove (pp. 261-278). CRC Press. (Scopus Indexed)


Sindhwani, R., Preet Amol Singh., Hazra, S., & Kumari, S. (2024). An overview of botanical approaches for managing obesity. Pharmacological Research-Natural Products, 100115. (Scopus Indexed)


Devangan P, Bajad G, Madan, Madan J, Neha Bajwa, Preet Amol Singh. (2024). Quality-By-Design Strategy for Developing Novel Herbal Products. In: Introduction to Quality by Design (QbD), Springer, Nature.  (Scopus Indexed)


Kumari A, Neha Bajwa, Preet Amol Singh. (2024). Quality by Design in Relation to Clinical Trials. In: Introduction to Quality by Design (QbD). Springer, Nature. (Scopus Indexed)


Kumari, A., Neha Bajwa., Ashique, S., Sharma, H., Mishra, N., Rathore, C., & Preet Amol Singh. (2024). From Lab Bench to Bedside: Advancing Malaria Treatments through Research, Patents, and Clinical Trials. Current Treatment Options in Infectious Diseases17(1), 1-26. (Scopus Indexed)


Shivani Sharma, Shagun Sharma, Pratibha Sharma, Harcharan Singh Dhaliwal, Vivek Sharma. First report on GC-MS characterization of volatile constituents and in vitro antidiabetic activity of fruits part of Boerhavia rubicunda Steud. from Himachal Pradesh Himalayas. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2024, 60(6): 1160-1162 (Springer Nature, Scopus Indexed)


Shagun Sharma, Pratibha Sharma, Harcharan Singh Dhaliwal, Vivek Sharma.   First report on chemical composition and antidiabetic activity of Berberis chitria (Lindl.) From Himachal Pradesh Himalayas. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2024, 60(5): 954-957 (Springer Nature, Scopus Indexed)


Toro AU, Kurya AU, Bansal P, Shukla SK. Importance of MIPs as Artificial Antibodies for the Detection of Bacteria and Viruses. Molecularly Imprinted Polymers: Path to Artificial Antibodies. 2024 Oct 25:339-54.


Toro AU, Shukla SK, Bansal P. Emerging role of MicroRNA-based theranostics in hepatocellular carcinoma. Molecular Biology Reports. 2023 Sep;50(9):7681-91.


Parhar M, Bansal P. Development of a High Penetration Safe Irrigant from Withania somnifera. International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research. 2023 Jul 1;13(3):149-52.


Toro AU, Shukla SK, Bansal P. Micronome revealed miR-205-5p as key regulator of VEGFA during cancer related angiogenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma. Molecular Biotechnology. 2023 Jul;65(7):1178-86.


Arora M, Bansal P, Singla R. RNA-based Therapeutics: Master Regulator for Bioengineering Systems in Medicine World. Current Biotechnology. 2023 Jun 1;12(2):67-78.


Toro AU, Kurya AU, Shukla SK, Bansal P. Emerging Role of MicroRNA-Based Theranostics in Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma.


Rathore A, Sharma R, Bansal P, Chhabra M, Arora M. Knowledge, attitude, and practice of medical interns and postgraduate residents on American Geriatric Society updated Beers criteria. Journal of Education and Health Promotion. 2023 Jan 1;12(1):1.


Sharma R, Bansal P, Chhabra M, Arora M. Chronic kidney disease (CKD)-a Brand ambassador/alarming bell for potentially inappropriate medication in elderly inpatients. Current Aging Science. 2022 Mar 1;15(1):59-64.


Khanal P, Zargari F, Far BF, Kumar D, Mahdi YK, Jubair NK, Saraf SK, Bansal P, Singh R, Selvaraja M, Dey YN. Integration of system biology tools to investigate huperzine A as an anti-Alzheimer agent. Frontiers in pharmacology. 2021 Dec 13;12:785964


Sharma R, Bansal P, Sharma A, Chhabra M, Kumar R, Arora M. Prevalence and predictors of potentially inappropriate psychotropic medication in older adults with psychiatric illness. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2021 Dec 1;66:102872.


Bansal P, Chhabra M, Arora M. Older adult females hospitalized with cardiovascular disease outweigh male older adults in receiving Potentially Inappropriate Medication. Authorea Preprints. 2021 Apr 13.


Sharma R, Bansal P, Chhabra M, Bansal C, Arora M. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2-associated perceived stress and anxiety among indian medical students: A cross-sectional study. Asian Journal of Social Health and Behavior. 2021 Jul 1;4(3):98-104.


Kumari M, Arora M, Kaur N, Singh R, Bansal P. Compliance to Gluten-Free Diet May Regenerate Probiotic Microbiota: First Report. Journal of Integrated Health Sciences. 2021 Jan 1;9(1):8-12.


Sharma R, Bansal P, Garg R, Arora M. Potentially inappropriate medication prescribing in older adults: American geriatric society updated beers criteria journey. Journal of the Indian Academy of Geriatrics. 2021 Jan 1;17(1):28-35.


Sharma R, Bansal P, Arora M. Pitfalls in AGS Beers Criteria® reflect communication gap between top healthcare organizations: beware or be aware. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2020 Dec;68(12):2969-71.


Sharma R, Bansal P, Garg R, Ranjan R, Kumar R, Arora M. Prevalence of potentially inappropriate medication and its correlates in elderly hospitalized patients: A cross-sectional study based on Beers criteria. Journal of Family and Community Medicine. 2020 Sep 1;27(3):200-7.


Sharma R, Arora M, Garg R, Bansal P. A closer look at the 2019 Beers criteria. Drugs & Therapy Perspectives. 2020 Mar;36(3):116-22.


Singh N, Bansal P, Maithani M, Chauhan Y. Development and validation of novel LC–MS/MS method for determination of Lusutrombopag in rat plasma and its application to pharmacokinetic studies. Arabian Journal of Chemistry. 2020 Feb 1;13(2):4162-9.


Kumari M, Arora M, Kaur N, Singh R, Bansal P. Diagnostic Modalities Used for Celiac Disease: Advancements and Future Prospects. Journal of Integrated Health Sciences. 2020 Jan 1;8(1):34-42.


Arora M, Arora M, Bansal P, Baldi A. Need and recommendations for universal guidelines on regulatory status and quality control/safety of probiotic products. Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials and Regulatory Affairs. 2019 Dec 1;6(3):231-49.


Arora M, Kaur N, Arora M, Bansal P. Critical Review on Food Safety Standard Regulations: A Real Scrutinizing Authority or a Misleading Player for Probiotic Products. Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials and Regulatory Affairs. 2019 Aug 1;6(2):71-85.


Arora M, Kaur M, Bansal P, Arora M. ATC/DDD Directed Classification of Neural Ayurvedic Medicines. Current Traditional Medicine. 2019 Jun 1;5(2):126-37.


Goyal K, Mittal S, Gupta V, Goyal RK. A Perspective Studies: Nutritional Interventions and their Impact on Geriatric Health Outcomes. Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 2025 Jan;18(1):24-7.


Goyal SK, Bansal R, Gupta V, Bansal C, Bansal P. Recommendations of apex health bodies remain localized: not in conformity with international implementation policy for urological disorders. The Lancet Regional Health-Southeast Asia. 2024 Jan 1;20.


Kaur G, Sharma R, Bansal P, Gupta V. Populations using Traditional Home Remedy at Low Risk for COVID-19 Infection. Current Traditional Medicine. 2024 Aug 1;10(4):98-101.


Sharma R, Kaur S, Gupta V, Grover H, Rao K, Chawla V, Chawla PA. Unravelling The Genomic Maze: Bioinformatics Unleashes Insights into Sotos Syndrome (Cerebral Gigantism). Health Sciences Review. 2024 Jul 17:100194.


Kaur G, Sharma R, Bansal P, Kaur R, Gupta V. Docking tools provide perfect leads for Cytotoxic activity of Lupenone and Sitostanol caffeate from root extracts of Roscoea purpurea. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024 Jul 1;17(7):3067-72.


Sharma R, Yadav K, Monga L, Gupta V, Yadav V. Identification of pivotal genes and pathways in Chorea-acanthocytosis using comprehensive bioinformatic analysis. Plos one. 2024 Sep 18;19(9):e0309594.


Sharma R, Bhullar A, Bansal P, Kaur G, Gupta V. Bioinformatics Analysis Identifies Potential Hub Genes, Therapeutic Agents and Crucial Pathways in the Pathogenesis of Refsum Disease. Medinformatics. 2023 Nov 20.


Gupta V, Kaur G, Sharma R, Bansal R, Bansal P. Fast track development of Fisetin and Naringenin based economic antianxiety drug using Docking tools. Asian journal of Psychiatry. 2022 Jun 15; 74: 103188


Sharma R, Kaur G, Bansal P, Chawla V, Gupta V. Bioinformatics Paradigms in Drug Discovery and Drug Development. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. 2023; 1-9


Kaur G, Sharma R, Bansal P, Gupta V. Populations using Traditional Home Remedy at Low Risk for COVID-19 Infection. Current Traditional Medicine. 2024 Aug 1;10(4):98-101.


Kaur G, Bansal P, Sharma R, Nath A, Gupta V. A market basket folklore survey of ethnobotanical usage of plants for treatment of mumps in north India, Integrative Medicine Reports 2022; 1(1): 140–144.


Sharma R, Chawla PA, Chawla V, Verma R, Nawal N, Gupta V. A Therapeutic Journey of 5-Pyrazolones as a Versatile Scaffold: A Review. Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. 2021 Aug 1;21(13):1770-95.


Gautam P, Ghanghas D, Mittal P, Gupta V, Kanika D. Regulatory framework of cosmetic in the European Union. Toxicol Commun. 2022; 4(3):13. doi: 10.53388/20220202013.


Maithani M, Grover H, Raturi R, Gupta V, Bansal P. Ethanol content in traditionally fermented ayurvedic formulations: compromised good manufacturing practice regulations–compromised health. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 2019 Mar 4;45(2):208-16.


Kaur G, Gupta V, Singhal RG, Bansal P. Isolation and Characterization of Stigmasterol from Fritillaria roylei. Biology, Medicine, & Natural Product Chemistry. 2020 Nov 16;9(2):77-80.


Kaur G, Gupta V, Singhal RG, Rawal RK, Bansal P. Isolation of Catechins from Roscoea purpurea. Journal of Young Pharmacists. 2020 Oct 1;12(4):389.


Kaur G, Gupta V, Sharma R, Kumar S, Singhal RG, Singh R, Bansal P. Compliance Level of Textual Therapeutic Usage of Kshirakakoli Containing Formulations with a Serial Ethnomedicinal Survey and Modern System of Medicine. Biology, Medicine, & Natural Product Chemistry. 2021 Jul 1;10(1):7-14.


Bansal P, Dwivedi DK, Hatwal D, Sharma P, Gupta V, Goyal S, Maithani M. Erdafitinib as a Novel and Advanced Treatment Strategy of Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma. Anti-cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. 2021; 21 (18): 2478-2486


M. Maithani, Raturi R, P. Sharma, V. Gupta, P. Bansal. Elemental impurities in pharmaceutical products adding fuel to the fire. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2019, 108, 104435-104446.


P. Sharma, M. Maithani, V. Gupta, P. Bansal. Ayurvedic formulations containing benzoic and ascorbic acids as additives: benzene formation during storage and impact of additives on quality parameters. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine. 2020, 18 (1), 59-65.


J. K.Virk, V. Gupta, S. Kumar, R. Singh, R. Rawal, P. Bansal, M. Maithani. Isolation of Sinapic Acid from Habenaria intermedia D. Don: A New Chemical Marker for the Identification of Adulteration and Substitution. Current Traditional Medicine. 2020, 6(4):380-387.


P. Sharma, M. Maithani, V. Gupta, P. Bansal. Health Risks Associated with Benzene Formation in Health Supplements – An Appraisal. Interdisciplinary Toxicology. 2020, 13(2): 101-110.


G. Kaur, V. Gupta, P. Bansal, S. Kumar, R.K. Rawal. Isolation of lupenone (18-Lupen-3-one) from Roscoea purpurea root extract: First report. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science. 2019 19 (4), 692 


G. Kaur, V. Gupta, S. Kumar, RG Singhal, M. Maithani, P. Bansal. Compliance level of textual therapeutic usage of kakoli containing formulations with ethnomedicinal survey and modern system of medicine. Imam Journal of Applied Sciences. 2019, 4, 62-68.


R. Raturi, M. Maithani, V. Gupta, R. G. Singhal, R. Singh, P. Bansal. First report of Isolation of N-isopropyl palmitamide from Natural source Microstylis muscifera (Lindl.) Kuntze: A potential chemical marker for identification. Chemistry of Natural Compounds. 2019, 4, 1-2.


M. Maithani, H. Grover, R. Raturi, V. Gupta, P. Bansal. Assessment of Compliance Level of ICH Guidelines for Organic Volatile Impurities in Common Ayurvedic Hepatic Formulations. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine. 2019, 16(3), 1-5.


V. Gupta, R. Sharma, P. Bansal, G. Kaur. Bioactivity-guided isolation of potent anxiolytic compounds from leaves of Citrus paradise. AYU. 2018, 39 (1), 21-28.


M. Maithani, R. Raturi, H. Grover, V. Gupta, P. Bansal. Development of Novel ICH Compliant Method for Estimation of Ethanol Content in Traditionally Fermented Ayurvedic Formulations. Current Traditional Medicine. 2018, 4 (1), 1-10.


G. Kaur, V. Gupta, R.P. Kaur, P. Bansal. Is Story of Rishi Chyawan’s Rejuvenation Supported Scientifically??? Current Traditional Medicines. 2018, 4 (1), 19-42.

Books published by UCER:


Singh, Preet Amol., and Purewal, Sukhwinder Singh (Eds.). (2024). Compendium of Clove: Navigating Agriculture, Chemistry, Processing, and Health Benefits. CRC Press. (Scopus Indexed)


Purewal, Sukhwinder Singh and Singh, Preet Amol,  (Eds.). (2025). Liquorice: Properties, Processing, and Health Benefits. CRC Press. (Scopus Indexed)


Jain, N. K., & Bajwa, Neha. (Eds.). (2024). Introduction to Quality by Design (QbD): From Theory to Practice. Springer Nature. (Scopus Indexed)


A Dragon Fruit: A Comprehensive Monograph. Ed: Sood R, Chandan A, Bansal P. Gulab Publishers, India (ISBN No. 978-81-92064-0-6)



Patents granted:


Singh Preet Amol, Neha Bajwa, Thorat Manukonda Upendra Kumar. (2024). Apparatus for Developing Semi-synthetic Derivatives. The patent office official, United Kingdom. (Patent)


Gupta V, Sharma R, Lather A, Hooda T, Khatri R, Kumar S. Precision molecular docking nano-device, 2024. Certificate of Registration of Design. Design No. 403585-001


Sharma R, Gupta V, Bansal P, Kaur G, Kumar S. Device to identify anxiety disorder. 2024. Certificate of Registration of Design. Design No. 396811-001


Kaur G, Khokhar RK, Sharma R, Gupta V, Bansal C, Bansal P, Kumar S. Digital and Portable Hot Plate Analgesiometer used in Laboratory. 2024. Certificate of Registration of Design. Design No. 406019-001


Maithani M, Ssaklani S, Goyal M, Bansal P, Raturi R, Gupta V, Kaur G, Rawat V, Dwivedi DK. Bottle used for storage of mobile phase in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for laboratory purpose. 2024. Certificate of Registration of Design. Design No. 416348-001.